Fansteria House Rules

Fansteria House Rules. Welcome to Fansteria, the home of fans anywhere in the world. Managing a community of millions of people requires thoughtful rules and regulations to ensure harmony and prevent chaos. These guidelines apply to everyone, including you, and are here to encourage friendly and respectful behavior, facilitate healthy discussion and debate, and — most importantly — protect our users from harm.

By signing up, you’ve agreed to abide by these rules. Don’t ignore them. Instead, help us create a collaborative environment where all fans are welcome. Let’s build, not break things, people.

The Rules

1. All content should be ad-free. This isn’t Craigslist, so stop treating Fansteria content like your personal advertising board. All content must be free from promotion. For clarity, this ban includes all advertisements, logos, links or references to any website, social media, messaging or email contacts, company names, wallet addresses, giveaways, prize contests, or any other kind of announcement or solicitation.

2. No fundraising. No fundraising requests or solicitation for money are allowed anywhere on Fansteria, period. We’re a place for sharable interactions, not solicitous money transfers, so kindly take those requests to specially-designed platforms elsewhere.

3. Be nice. Treat others how you’d like to be treated yourself. Be respectful, kind, tolerant, and constructive, even when you disagree.

4. Don’t be an asshole. We have a zero-tolerance policy for contentious political discourse, defamatory, threatening or discriminatory remarks, hate speech, or personal attacks.

5. Post thoughtfully. Never share harmful comments, misleading, unrelated, or inappropriate content.

6. Don’t fight the mods. They’re on the frontline. Don’t make their work more difficult by openly arguing with them or criticizing moderation in general. If you have a complaint, please contact us in a level-headed manner. Disrespecting moderators, whether in public, can lead to temporary or permanent suspension of your account from using any social features.

7. Don’t create duplicate accounts. Avoid creating fake accounts, spam accounts, or accounts to work around a ban. Use only your original account to avoid suspension.

8. Don’t try to game the ranking system. Any form of rank and point manipulation, such as boosting rank and points with bots or manual spamming, will result in an automatic ban.

9. Report misuse. If you spot a comment that clearly violates any of our House Rules, please use the reporting function to signal it to the moderators. Don’t engage in a discussion — let the moderators handle it.

10. Accept (occasional) exceptions. Infrequently, we may allow or highlight examples that bend or break one of the above rules at our discretion, usually because we believe doing so adds greater value to the community as a whole. This is NOT, we repeat, NOT an invitation for you to copy the infringement yourself — breaking our rules is the quickest way to receive a ban. Trust us: accept the odd exception and don’t try it at home.

11. Be a hero. Life is short, and before you know it, your relatives will be picking out your coffin. Do you really want to waste your precious time on earth doing silly, scammy, angry stuff that most people just ignore anyway? We promise to reward those who resist the forces of darkness and actively help make our community a bright and shining example of what the best of the Internet can look like.

These rules apply to every last nook and cranny of our website. Other, more specific, rules apply to the use of different features on our site. Remember, it’s your responsibility to understand them BEFORE you use these features.

Finally, this text is not exhaustive, and we reserve the right to take any measures we deem necessary against user actions not listed in the House Rules. As you’d imagine, this is to maintain the proper function and friendly, professional nature of Fansteria. Using community resources and publishing content isn’t a divine-given right: it’s a privilege granted to members who respect our values and abide by our rules.

Thanks for reading,

Team Fansteria